Saturday, February 4, 2012

Finally getting this thing started!!

So here goes! I figured since I've started making the collars, I might as well get a showcase going here.  I'll be posting pictures of each collar I make along my journey, and if you're lucky, I may even throw in some extras when I get a little too inventive. 

I started this adventure because I was having a hard time finding collars for my boys that I liked and weren't outrageously expensive.  So, I borrowed a sewing machine, called my mom for a quick tutorial on how to use the machine, then dove right in and started making collars.  Looking back, my first couple were horrible (in my opinion), granted they were good for never having sewed before.  As I've gone on, I've been able to get my stitching down and have figured out what hardware I like the most and holds up the best.  

So, here we are, 2 months down the road and I'm ready to really get this thing going.  

Here's what I've been up to, and if you're interested in getting a collar from me, just send me an email and we can get it all worked out.  I'm willing to ship (US or International) and can also deliver locally.  If nothing else, let me know what you think and if you want to see something special, I'm up to any challenge!!!  Thanks for hanging around and checking it spread the word!!!

PS. Pics to follow soon!

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